Student artist Zoe Petersen wins award in Figge art invitational
Black Hawk College student artist Zoe Petersen recently won a fan favorite award in the Figge Art Museum’s 2024 College Invitational.
The Associate in Fine Arts program provides preparation for students planning to major in art at a four-year institution pursuing the BFA in Art. It is also appropriate for those who seek foundation-level training to work as a fine artist, graphic designer, illustrator, media designer, or animator.
This degree includes successful completion of ART 289 Portfolio Development the semester prior to graduation, and the satisfactory evaluation of a final graduation portfolio that is representative of art program coursework at Black Hawk College.
Students will meet with a program advisor to determine career/transfer objectives and assess portfolio needs/strengths. Additional coursework or internships may be advised to strengthen portfolio work or develop additional skills.
All Design fields and most BFA Studio programs require a second semester portfolio review prior to being admitted to the degree program. Demonstrated proficiency and specific grade point averages may be required. Most coursework will be accepted but additional work to strengthen the portfolio may be required prior to admission thus delaying the time to degree completion. Students are strongly encouraged to contact their preference of transfer institution prior to their sophomore year for specific admission advice.
Each student who is awarded an Associate in Fine Arts degree by the College shall have completed thirty seven (37) credit hours of general education.
Black Hawk College student artist Zoe Petersen recently won a fan favorite award in the Figge Art Museum’s 2024 College Invitational.
A stark white wall in a music lab now provides visual inspiration for students to compose and produce their music. Mya Diabira, a 2024 Black Hawk College graduate, was commissioned to create an original mural to hang in the electronic music lab at the college’s Quad-Cities Campus.
Are you interested in singing or playing music in a group setting? If so, join one of Black Hawk College’s community ensembles! Choose from: Community String Orchestra Mondays, Aug. 19 […]
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